The 2023 Vintage: A Remarkable Year

2023 proved to be an extraordinary year for wine, a vintage that will surely captivate enthusiasts and collectors alike. After enduring a challenging three-year drought, our vineyards welcomed a rejuvenating downpour of nearly 30 inches of rain, breathing new life into the stressed vines and soils.

This vintage was marked by a cooler spring, causing a delayed bud break compared to 2022 but setting the stage for one of the longest and mildest growing seasons we’ve seen in over a decade. This extended hangtime, the period from bud break to harvest, allowed for the development of rich flavors and mature tannins in the grapes, essential for crafting wines with complex structures and longevity.

The first week of October brought a perfect heat spike, propelling our reds to optimal ripeness. The yield was slightly above average, but thanks to the abundant rainfall and impressive canopy growth, our vines thrived under the heavier load.

The cooler weather, coupled with plentiful sunshine, led to a slow and steady ripening of the grape skins, ensuring maximum color extraction. The result? Refined tannins that promise wines with an exceptional structure, ready to be savored soon and capable of aging gracefully for up to 20 years.

From the early harvest of Sauvignon Blanc between August 29th and September 9th to the final picks of our reds from October 10th to November 3rd, starting with the first pick from Mbar, every step of this vintage’s journey was a winemaker’s dream.

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